The Art of Digital Printing on Handmade Paper

When it comes to creating wedding stationery, couples often seek unique and personalized options to set the tone for their special day. One choice gaining popularity is digital printing on handmade paper. This method brings together the modern precision of digital printing with the rustic charm of handmade paper, resulting in a truly distinctive and elegant product.

The PRocess of Digital Printing

Digital printing on handmade paper involves a meticulous process that distinguishes it from other print methods. Unlike standard printer paper, handmade paper requires a heavy-duty printer or photo printer, such as the Canon Pixma Pro, to ensure optimal results.

  • Vendor Selection: Choosing a trusted handmade paper vendor is crucial. Before printing, it's essential to go through all the pieces and remove any edge stragglers that might get caught in the printer or disrupt the printing process.

  • Size Adjustment: Handmade paper is imperfectly perfect, and each piece may not be precisely uniform. Before printing, it is necessary to inspect and adjust the size of each piece to avoid complications during the printing process.

  • Ensuring Straightness: The unique texture and irregularities of handmade paper can make the printing process challenging. Texts, in particular, may appear crooked if not fed properly into the printer. Careful inspection and adjustments are necessary to ensure a straight and aesthetically pleasing result.

  • Blemish Inspection and Correction: Handmade paper is inkjet-based, making it susceptible to blemishes. Each piece must be meticulously inspected for any imperfections. Blemishes along the edges can be torn off, while those on the surface can be carefully scraped off with a razor, followed by using an eraser to flatten the fibers.

Top Tips for Successful Digital Printing

Feed One or Few Papers at a Time

Handmade paper requires a more hands-on approach. To achieve the best results, feed only one or a few papers at a time to ensure proper printing and prevent any mishaps.

Patience is Key

Printing on handmade paper is a slow and deliberate process. Patience is crucial to achieving the desired outcome without compromising quality.

Stand by the printer

Being present during the printing process allows for immediate intervention if any issues arise. This hands-on approach ensures that each piece meets the high standards expected from digital printing on handmade paper.

Cost considerations

While the results are undeniably stunning, digital printing on handmade paper can be more expensive than traditional printing methods, such as letterpress. The careful attention to detail, the use of specialized equipment, and the time-intensive nature of the process contribute to the overall cost.

Stephanie gould | custom Wedding calligraphy + stationery

As you embark on the journey of crafting your dream wedding, consider the timeless elegance that handmade paper brings to your invitations, programs, and other stationery. If you desire custom wedding stationery and calligraphy that reflects your unique style and love story, look no further! Contact me today to discuss how I can bring your vision to life and make your wedding stationery truly unforgettable.


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